This online event is organized to discuss
the advances in research
at the interface between RNA biology and neuroscience.

We invited leaders in the field to present their cutting-edge research and we aim to dig into state-of-the-art affairs in the neuro-RNA field.
We invite You! We make a virtual space for your posters and provide a possibility for young researchers to present a talk during a conference.
The registration fee is only 12 Euros!

3 October 2022

Best Poster Award

We are happy to announce the winner of the Best Poster Award
15 September 2022

New Speaker joins Session 1!

Özgün Gökçe will talk about his lab’s research on white matter in the mouse brain with single-cell and spatial transcriptomics. Very nice!
2 September 2022

1000 Euros award for poster!

Submit your abstract and win 1000 Euros! Our sponsor, Beckman Coulter,is funding an award for the best poster presentation. Looking forward toyour posters!

Sten Linnarsson

Karolinska Institute, SE

Bożena Kamińska-Kaczmarek

Nencki Institute of Experimental Biology, PL
